Priestlands School

Learn more... Do more... Be more...

01590 677 033

North Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8FZ


Contact Us

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Priestlands School

North Street, Pennington

Lymington, Hampshire  SO41 8FZ

T: 01590 677033

E: info@priestlands.hants.sch.uk 


To report student absence:

Telephone 01590 613440 or email attendance@priestlands.hants.sch.uk 

Contact during School Holidays

During school holidays the school is closed.  Emails to the school email address will be monitored from time to time, but will not receive responses until the school re-opens at the beginning of the following term. 

If you are concerned about a child's welfare you may contact Hampshire Children's Services directly.  You will find advice and contact details here https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/contacts

If it is an emergency and the person is in immediate danger, call 999.

If a young person is worried or concerned and needs to talk, they can call childline on 0800 1111 for free, confidential advice and support whenever they need help.

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher  Mr P Main

Deputy Headteachers   Mr T Ritchie & Mr R Kelly 

Assistant Headteachers  Ms K McAdam, Mrs N Peacock, & Mrs H Yates

Business & Finance Manager  Mrs S Fuell


Board of Governors    All enquiries to  Mrs C Clitherow, Clerk to the Board of Governors


Year 7 / Class of 2029

Year 8 / Class of 2028

Year 9 / Class of 2027

Year 10 / Class of 2026

Year 11 / Class of 2025


High Achieving Students  Mrs N Peacock, Assistant Headteacher

Art  Miss A Crook, Head of Department

Careers and Enterprise Education  Mr C Bell, Coordinator

Child Development  Mrs H Okoth, Subject Leader

Design Technology  Mr S Gillett, Head of Department

Drama  Mrs J Strath, Head of Department

English  Mrs L Ferrier, Head of Department

Ethics  Mrs L B Stewart, Head of Department

Geography  Mr P Wagstaff, Head of Department

RSE, Health Education & Life Skills (including Alcohol, Drugs, Sex and Relationships Education) Mrs L B Stewart, Co-ordinator

Tutorial time programme (PSHCE)  Mrs C Jukes, Co-ordinator

History  Mrs W Drodge, Head of Department

Computing & Business  Mr C Hill, Head of Department

Maths  Mrs L Wenham, Head of Department

Languages  Mrs R Owen, Head of Department

Music  Mr G Williams, Head of Department

Photography  Miss A Crook, Head of Department

Physical Education  Mr S Gibbs, Head of Department

Religious Education  Mrs L B Stewart, Head of Department

Sciences  Dr P Taylor, Head of Department

Special Educational Needs and Disabled Students, Mrs C Jukes, SENDCo

Statistics  Mrs L Wenham, Head of Department

Other Areas

Admissions  Mrs C Davidson-Young, Admissions Officer


Careers Advice (not Careers education)  Mr I Champney, Careers Adviser

Designated Teacher for Care Experienced Children  Mrs A Haynes

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme  Mr G Boultwood, Coordinator

Exam entries   Mrs S Joint, Examinations Officer

Finance Team  Mrs S Fuell, Business & Finance Manager

Musical Instrument Tuition  Mrs G Hastlelow, Arts Admin Officer

Pupil Premium  Ms K McAdam, Assistant Headteacher

Whistleblowing  Please contact the Headteacher

Work Experience for Year 10 students  Mrs B Hartland, Work Experience Coordinator

Staff will normally aim to respond to emails within three working days. If your query is a complicated one, it may take longer, but staff will normally respond within three days to let you know how long it will take to give you a full answer.

Not all staff work five days per week, so if your enquiry is urgent it is probably better that you make telephone contact via the school office in the first instance.

Disabled Parking - The school shares a car park with the Lymington Health & Leisure Centre and there are several disabled bays which are located nearest to the school buildings.  Access to the main reception is signposted from the barrier. If you need to park closer to the school please let us know in advance and we can arrange to let you through the barrier and reserve a space for you.

Hearing Loop - We have a portable hearing loop. If you are visiting the school and will need to have access to a hearing loop, please let us know.

Toilets - There are four accessible toilets in the school located on the ground floor of the Main Building, Robert Hole Building, Performing Arts Centre and Gurney Dixon Building.

Access to the site - Most areas of the site are easily accessible to the ground floor, however there are no lifts to 1st or 2nd floor rooms. If you have a physical disability please let us know and we can ensure that any meetings are held in ground floor rooms.

Information for visitors and parents - If you require information in a specific colour or larger font size, please let us know.  It may even be possible to provide some information on a tape. Where possible, we are very happy to provide information specific to individual requirements.

Fire Evacuation - If you have any special needs please inform reception upon arrival. We can then ensure that appropriate assistance is in place for the duration of your visit. Upon arrival in reception you will be given a leaflet entitled “Health & Safety Guidance for Visitors and Contractors” which contains useful information. The muster point for a fire evacuation is on the main field in front of the reception area.

We are constantly seeking to improve the information we give you. If you feel we have missed anything, please let us know.